Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Two Line Reviews - #322

Movie: Warrior (2011)

Plot: The mixed martial arts championship is planned for over the July 4 weekend. Among the 16 men, two underdogs hog the limelight: A professor, an old pro at MMA, comes back to fight his financial crisis & a US War hero at Iraq is the other. They,deservedly meet in the final & THEY happen to be brothers!

  • The film has sentiment, action & inspiring scenes in the right mix - so apt for an engaging boxing film! The screenplay is intriguing powered up by a mix of quiet and action packed sequences.
  • Tom Hardy and his relation with his father(played by Nick Nolte) is portrayed superbly & so is that of Joel and his coach! It is these combinations that make the film special.
  • The action scenes in the ring are power-packed and the hard fought wins of the professor backed by his students and school principal are inspiring!
  • The AWOL act of Tom stays true to his ruthless character displayed in fights and the climax fight is a fitting tribute!
'The film to watch' this season for Boxing fans & Brothers!