Friday, June 1, 2012

Two Line Reviews - #396

Movie: Planes, Trains & Automobiles (1987)

Plot: A snowstorm delays the trip of a man who is all set to meet his beloved ones for Thanksgiving. He finds company in his delayed trip and the companion makes his trip horribly unpleasant but at the end of it all, helps him learn how some seemingly unpleasant things can please!

What Works?
  • The wit runs through the film and John Hughes is completely successful in striking that correct chord.
  • Steve Martin comes up with the right expressions for irritation, anger, guilt, appreciation & acceptance at different times in the story.
  • The power package in the film comes in the form of the Salesman played wonderfully by John Candy!
  • The dialogues, when funny and when touchy, are equally good.
A hilarious travelogue!