Movie: Dazed and Confused (1993)
Plot: In 1976, a batch leaves High School and a junior batch gets in. The after school 'last day' parties go on and on as the drug and alcohol induced fun get limitless as night breaks into dawn!
What Works?
Plot: In 1976, a batch leaves High School and a junior batch gets in. The after school 'last day' parties go on and on as the drug and alcohol induced fun get limitless as night breaks into dawn!
What Works?
- The film is set in the 70s and stays true to the time. Generates the overall feel perfectly!
- The funny gigs students of the outgoing batch put to show are enjoyable.
- The babbles of the drug-sters and the conversations of the nerdish trio provide the needed impetus for laughter.
- The resolve of 'Pink' Mr.Floyd and his junior successor please too! Not to forget the amazing soundtracks!